Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday Finds~ "Neawear" Jewelry & Wall Wear on Etsy

Adorn yourself~ Adorn your Walls~ this is Neawear on Etsy. She's a brilliant artist designer and thinks outside the box. Combines her needlework with a twist of urban retro flair.

Needlework has been around for ages, grandma's passing down this art to there grandchildren, but Nea goes beyond this box, designing unique, vibrant, bold, whimsical Art for your walls or yourself. I find her work very refreshing~

I love perusing her shop to see what's the latest creation from her hands, wondering as well, does she ever sleep?~ her creative mind must race at a 220 voltage speed.

Check out her shop on Etsy you won't be disappointed, like myself will peruse and wall eye candy from Nea's shop.

Pink Poppy Wall Wear

Red Stiletto Necklace

Flora Wall Wear #18

Brelok Neclace #7

Check out her shop:


Sue said...

That is some beautiful jewelry and wall wear....Thanks for telling us about it.

Bacon Square Farm said...

Yes Sue, Nea does incredible work, she has created her whole unique style. Very refreshing, can't wait to see what's next from her.

Ya got snow? wind? today too?
