Two of them were only a couple of years old, another has been around 50 plus years, the closest to our farm home is the smallest and open only a couple of hours 3 times a week. We are lucky to have this library which shares a tiny structure with the city snow truck, now boasts 2 computers, storytime for children, a reading area, newspapers, magazines, movie rentals, and you can request a book, all of this in a town of 128 people. It's a happening place during those two hours.
I've missed a unique world by not checking out library's, it's not a boring place, we need to continue to support them so they don't become extinct. My humble suggestion this week, peruse a library~
Computer Code Crashed Chenille Baby Bib
Check out her shop:
Carrie Bradshaw's Quotes Computer Crash
Check out her shop:
Mini - Wall Art - Arbitrary Word = Crashed
Check out this shop:
Computer Epic Fail Vinly Decal
Check out the shop:
My oh My!1 I would hate for mine to crash again...I had that once and lost so much stuff...Learned and now have a backup system on mine...
It's a grand Sunday today~ so you've experienced a crash as well, yes you lose so much. Thank goodness I saved many of our info. Have a great week.
Hi, I really don't understand blogging, but I really need to get a hold of Pete of Bacon Square Farm. Pete, I would like to know if you are interested in making me some iron pieces. My name is Cindy.
Thank you.
Oh still no PC :( I hope you can have a new one soon, it makes live much easier!
So funny to read about your library, amazing that you have one for only 128 people!! Unfortunatly in Turkey book reading is not a huge hobby so the library for about a 100.000 people is very bad, so we buy them from amazon or second hand here locally.
Good morning star~
Went computer shopping and purchased a new one, had the geek guys set it all up for me as well, otherwise I'd still be lost. It's windows vista so different than my XP so I'm still muttering along, learning. Have a great weekend star~!
Friday nites Pete and I call date night, we hit the big town 50 miles away for dining and supplies. whoohooie~! Big deal the farmers go to town. lol.
When your computer Crashes what happens to all the hard drive information?
I would like to know if you are interested in making me some iron pieces.
London Heathrow
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